13. Answering Detail Questions about Extended Conversations

Most of the questions in Part B are detail questions that require an understanding of specific points in the conversation. A majority of these questions are factual questions, asking what, where, when, why, and how much. To answer the question, you need to listen carefully.
Other questions are inference questions. As previously explained, the answers to inference questions are not directly stated, but are suggested by information in the lecture. Many of these questions begin, “What do the speakers imply about . . .” or “What can be inferred from the conversation about . . .”
Remember that the order of detail questions follows the order of the conversation. In other words, the first detail question will be about something mentioned early in the conversation while the last one is about something mentioned near the end of the conversation.
If anything in the conversation is emphasized, it will probably be asked about. In other words, if something one speaker says is repeated by the second speaker, or if one speaker talks about something in an emphatic tone of voice, there will probably be a question about that information, as in this section of a conversation:

M1: My project for my film-making class took me six weeks to finish.
F1: Six weeks! I can hardly believe it. Doesn’t the teacher realize you have other classes too?

You can be fairly sure that there will be a question such as this: “How long did the man’s project take to complete?”


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